Damn Mirrors

I'm really starting to hate taking a shower.  Probably because our bathroom was designed by a moron or a super model who loved to see their body from every imaginable angle.  The bathroom is L shaped with the sink and medicine cabinet directly across from the closets in the elongated section of the L and the shower and toilet are around the corner.  But the part I hate is the fact that the closet doors are mirrors, floor to ceiling mirrors.  And while getting in and out of the shower the mirrors are front and freaking center because there is no bathroom door to speak of.

I don't like mirrors in general but I absolutely despise full length mirrors with every fiber of my being!  I think full length mirrors should be destroyed.  Its bad enough that I have to bypass the mirrors every time I need to use the restroom, that I have to confront them every time I change my clothes, and that I can clearly see my backside while brushing my teeth.  Do I have to be tortured while getting in and out of the shower too?

ED is loving it, naturally.  He takes every opportunity to point out every stinking flaw in my body.  Does he care that I had a baby less than a month ago?  Of course not.

He's lucky we're renting otherwise I'd be taking a hammer to those damn mirrors.


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Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Wanna-be writer. Bulimic in recovery. That's me in a nutshell!
