My little sister, genius that she is (and no I'm not being sarcastic she really is a genius...well maybe she's just logical but I'm calling her a genius), said that every time I have a negative thought about myself that I should write down positive things about myself to counteract the bad thoughts.
Here were her rules:
1. For every one bad thought write down three positive things.
2. Include something physical (mainly because most of what I criticize about myself is physical)
3. Had to be about myself...not my children/husband/family etc.
4. I don't have to believe it, I just have to write it.
I've had a lot of negative thoughts today (surprise, surprise) and writing down three positive thoughts for every one negative thought is kind of a challenge, so I just tried to come up with a positive, any positive, thought about myself. Here's my list, its not a long one.
- I'm not bald
- I have cute toes
- I have a good sense of humor
- I'm pretty damn smart, academically speaking
- I haven't dyed my whites pink in a very long time
- I make cute kids