My mother in-law gave me the book Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth the other day. I'm about 40 pages in, I would be much further but I keep throwing the damn thing. Not that the book isn't good, it is, I just don't like the points it makes.
In the very beginning of the book Mrs. Roth says, "...our relationship to food is an exact microcosm of our relationship to life itself." She goes on to state that our relationship with food can reveal how we feel about love, fear, transformation, our mothers (somehow they impact how we view God), and God himself. My first reaction was to throw the book and declare that the woman was a nut and completely off her rocker. How in the hell does a bowl of Chocolate Cheerios (yum mama, home run there!) and the way I eat it say anything about my belief in God, or the relationship with my mother? I don't really think it does. My mom rocks, she's always been supportive, has never told me I was anything less than beautiful, and would be the first in line to kick ass on my behalf should the need arise. And I believe in a compassionate, loving, all accepting God who loves me just the way He created me (whether I like it or not is another issue all together). So I don't agree with Mrs. Roth there.
But I'm going to keep reading. Anything that I have the urge to throw (when it comes to food issues that is) usually ends up to have some beneficial qualities to it.
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